Clinical Governance
Safety and Quality
software for hospitals and healthcare

Keeping Australia’s most trusted healthcare providers accreditation ready

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all the features

All the features you need

OneVault is a dedicated online platform for all your safety and quality needs. It converts effort into evidence, so your organisation is ready for accreditation 24/7.
Whether it’s to write up a policy, risk or QI, review an incident, track training or whip up a gap analysis, OneVault is your go to platform.

Safety and quality has never been so simple

Everything safety and quality, risk and compliance on the one safe platform.
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Every piece of work automatically converted into accreditation evidence.
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70% less work
Every process streamlined to reduce workload by more than 70%.
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Comprehensive and integrated modules

There are modules for incident reporting and feedback, policy and procedures, audit, risk, quality projects, mortality review, clinical indicators and more. We even have a communication module to get S&Q news out there!
Need just a few modules? No problem. You can choose our modules in any combination. If it works for you, it works for us!
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Quick and easy setup

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